[Cz-L] About Fruncza Kornel

From: Tomasz Klakla <tklakla_at_intersnack.pl>
Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2008 08:42:18 -0500
To: Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: Tomasz Klakla <tklakla_at_intersnack.pl>

Hello All
This is about my maternal grandfather - Kornel Fruncza (Frunza) - he
was born in Czernowitz at June 16th 1926.

His father Bazyli Fruncza worked in Jewish grange as a blacksmith to
1938 when he died - probably he had a sister who emigrated to USA
(Willington) - but it isn't proofed.

Kornel Fruncza at June 16th 1944 was sent to labour-camp in
Swierdlowsk (Jekaterynburg). He met there a young Jew (they had ab.18
years old) who gave him a little prayerbook. After couple days they
runaway from this camp - my grandfather don't remember this Jew name
- but he remember that they ran about 11 days by trains, they sold
everything what they had, except of this little prayerbook. They was
stopped couple times by militia, they lost themselves couple times
through this 'trip'. But after WW2 they met on the Czernowvitz

Couple weeks after this, my gradfather went to Poland and tried
forgot about Czernowitz, about his sad childhood, about family
executed by Soviet and German, etc...

The prayerbook everywhere was with him.

After 60 years my grandfather reconciled with past, told me the story
and gave me this little
prayerbook: (<http://www.klakla.com/full.php?photo=upload/142.jpg>
with some inscription in Romanian language:
If somebody could read off this sentence I would be thankful.
If somebody know something about Fruncza surname please contact with me.
If somebody know this Jew who runaway with my grandfather please
contact with me.

sorry for my poor English

I read last plot about languages and I remember that my grandfather
said about Magyar language in Czernowitz - he heard during
bombardment: "Istene, Istene, bombaju"

Fruncza in Poland is a very rare surname, there live only 6 persons
with this name: my grandfather, her wife, and her son with family

Best regards, Tomek
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