Hi all,
We, as a family, are also interested knowing exact dates, or plan of the 60=
anniversary celebration, because we would like to travel to czernowitz this
year, preferably on those dates. Is there a group of interested people for
that purpose?
Yael Katz-Mastbaum, Adv.
Industry Bldg. 12th floor
29 Ha'mered St., P.O.B. 50367 Tel Aviv 61500
Tel: 972-3-5105010, Fax: 972-3-5105019
Mobile: 054-3030889, 052-3678781
visit at: www.katz-mastbaum.com
-----Original Message-----
From: bounce-2237803-3499345_at_list.cornell.edu
[mailto:bounce-2237803-3499345_at_list.cornell.edu] On Behalf Of Cornel Flemin=
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 10:36 PM
To: czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu
Subject: [Cz-L] 600 anniversary
Hi all, I would be very grateful if anybody can tell me the exact dates of
the 600 anniversary celebration in czernowitz. Also,whether any of us are
going???? cornel
[Moderator's Note: On the official city website
<http://www.city.cv.ua/English/600all.shtml>, the first link indicates that
the celebrations will take place in October, 2008. I haven't seen any othe=
posting of schedules. Bruce]
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