Re: [Cz-L] Public / Private Messages

From: Jane Reifer <>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 15:40:17 -0700
Reply-to: Jane Reifer <>

Hello again to everyone,

I’m embarrassed that I forgot to give credit to Bruce Reisch (and his
back-up team) for moderating. I certainly agree that he uses excellent
judgment and applies it with a "touch of grace”. We are so very lucky in
this! Thank you to everyone who brought this to my attention in such a kind
manner! My only point was that I sometimes notice messages which mention
others in the third person whom I know actually subscribe to or otherwise
read our list. I also originally thought this was a private discussion
group, but now realize it's actually not.

Regarding if I'm related to Bruce Reisch, the best I can say is I -think-
so; a lot of our family names and locations are similar, but we haven't
found the actual connection - yet! Bruce has been quite a bit in touch with
my cousin, Mimi Taylor, a name likely familiar to you through this list.

Mimi's father Salo Reifer, and my grandfather, Paul "Pinie" Reifer, were
brothers. Mimi's mother, Rachel "Ruta" Steinmetz, and my grandmother Sara
"Dushka" Roessler, were best friends before they married these 2 brothers.

I'm 43, and was raised in southern California by my Czernowitzer
grandparents who came to the United States before in WWII (Paul born 1905,
and Dushka, born 1906 [actually in Horodenka]). We learned Hebrew (mostly
lost now), but not German, something I'll always regret, although I've
managed to pick up a little. I also speak Spanish.

Paul's parents were Moses Reifer (1870 – 1934) born in Dawideni, and Etie
Ruchel Reisch (1879 – 1942) born in Rewna. Moses' parents were Hendel an=
Sali or Sara, and Etie Ruchel's parents were Jacob Hersch Reisch and Gitel.
Paul spoke 9 languages so when I read about all the languages Czernowitzers
pick up, it helped me understand more about him.

Moses' siblings were:

1 - Aron, who married Yetti Cibner
2 - Anschel, who married Scheindel Druckman (one of their sons was Manfred
Reifer, the Zionist)
3 - Chaya Freyda, who married Eliezer Lipa Spasser

We have extensive information on this family, if it's of interest to anyone=

Dushka's parents were Peretz Roessler and Scheindel "Jenny" Horowitz. We
have had the worst luck trying to find anything more about them. Peretz was
a farm manager on a large estate owned by Josef Cohen of Stetsova.
Scheindel's mother's maiden name may have been Saporia, but we're not sure.=

So, I'm not a professional genealogist, just a Czernowitzer descendent
trying to piece together lost connections in a family, like so many others,
ravaged by war, time, and distance. Sorry if any of this sounded rote or
mechanical, but I have been home with the flu for a few days, and I know
it's clouding my thinking!

I'd love to be in touch with anyone who knows more about any of these famil=
names - and please let me know if you're ever in southern California!

Kindest regards,

Jane Reifer
Fullerton, California
Researching Reifer, Reisch, Roessler, Shapira, Saporia, Horowitz, Reder,
Korn, Gingold, Spasser, Halpern, Druckman, Sommer, Cibner, Hagler

-----Original Message-----
Speaking of Mr. Reisch, I notice that you are researching Reifer, Reisch,
Roessler, Shapira, Saporia, Horowitz, Reder,  Korn, Gingold, Spasser,
Halpern, Druckman, Sommer, Cibner, Hagler.
I have two questions: 1) Are you related to Mr. Bruce Reisch or any of the
aforementioned persons? 2) are you a professional genealogist researching
the aforementioned persons on behalf of others?
Thank you.
Gary Rogovin
-------------- Original message from "Jane Reifer"
<>: --------------

> Hello everyone,
> Just a reminder that these discussion list messages are archived on the=
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