Re: [Cz-L] Museum-Holocaust

From: Ethel Tillinger <>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 08:43:15 +1100
To: flo heymann <>
Reply-to: Ethel Tillinger <>

Dear All
I agree with Florence and other writers in response to this question.
I would be against supporting any Museum venture on the life of Jew
of Czernowitz that maintained silence and secrecy about the Holocaust
- I think this would be equivalent to being complicit in hiding the
immediate and ongoing atrocities and transgenerational after effects
of the Holocaust and I couldn't agree to do that.
Warm regards
On 27/03/2008, at 9:33 PM, flo heymann wrote:

> Dear Gabrielle and Eduard,
> I agree completely with your analysis. A Museum on the life of the
> Jews of =
> Czernowitz excluding the period of Shoah seems to me a refusal of
> the histo=
> ry and almost a sort of revisionism. Certainly, the persons in
> charge of th=
> e conception of the Museum will also leave under silence the rise
> of Fascis=
> m and anti-semitism in Rumania since the beginning of the
> Twenties. Nevert=
> heless, I think that the only possible reaction of the group is to
> cease an=
> y co-operation and to cancel the authorizations of reproduction of
> photogra=
> phs and other documents if this museographic choice is not
> changed. Of cou=
> rse, we have to explain to them our position. Do you see another
> possible a=
> nswer?
> With my best regards
> Florence
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