Hi Bruce, Hi Jerome, Hi Mimi, Hi Hardy and Hi All!
I was out for over a week and just discovered the
discussion about the Museum of Bukovina Jewry, about
the fact that it might not cover the Holocaust period
(called in France the Shoah) and finally that Mr.
Zissels intends to have this period covered separately
in another building later on.
Here are a few reactions of mine.
1) I’m delighted to hear that a museum specifically
devoted to the Bukovina Jewry – that unique experience
of a fully applied emancipation of the Jews in 19th
century Eastern Europe – will be present in Czernowitz
for the city’s 600 years celebration.
2) I fully agree with Mimi: as long as the Shoah
period and forthcoming diaspora (still carrying the
Cz-spirit!) is correctly mentionned – say on the last
wall of the third room – I am satisfied. Let us “take
Mr. Zissels to his word”!
3) Possibly, the last but one wall of that third room
could also cover the resistance to the “forced
Rumanization” during the interwar-period of the
“Rumanian Intermezzo”. The environment and living
conditions of the Jews during this period totally
differ from the Austrian period.
The resistance was certainly manyfold. I believe that
the story of my (and Edy Weissmann’s) maternal uncle
Edi Wagner is just an example, but it might interest
Mr. Zissels. Our group-members who were present at the
2006 Reunion in Cz will remember my presentation of
his deeds: he organized a folklore ensemble of up to
100 young people of all “nationalities” (Jews, German,
Ukrainian, Rumanian, etc.) that encountered popular
success, thus provoking the Rumanian fascists; he
finally got caught by the Sigurantsa, was tortured at
the police headquarters and thrown out of the window.
He died August 1936, not yet 26 of age. But an
interesting additional element is that the engraved
Kohanim-sign (the two blessing hands) on his tombstone
was covered in the sixties by the then sovietic
municipality with a plate saying < A member of the
underground revolutionary movement in Bukovina,
tortured to death by the Siguranta on 7th August 1936
4) I certainly understand Hardy’s insistence about the
Temple: it would be a great step forward should the
Temple be used for the Museum. But to what extent is
this administratively and economically realistic? I
would also like to see dreams come true and it’s
probably worthwhile to mention such possibility to Mr.
Zellis. But let’s be pragmatic: a first step would be
to know who, today, officially owns these remnants and
who is running the businnesses inside and/or cashing
the rents. Then try to figure the cost for whoever
would finance the implementation of the museum, etc.
Best regards,
Charles Rosner
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