Kol Hakavod Miryam,
I totally agree with you. It seems that most of the members of the List do
not remember or do not know that the present leaders of Czernowitz/Ukraine
are the descendants of those who were very active collaborators of the Nazis
and who made everything possible to destroy any sign of Jewish life in
Y. Rosner
On 4/6/08, Elan <melava1_at_netvision.net.il> wrote:
> Dear friends,
> I am reading all the correspondence concerning the Jewish Museum in Cz.,
> and wonder: how come, that the whole list does not understand that it will
> not be us who'll decide what will, or will not be shown at that museum's
> exhibitions.
> I am thinking right now on two wonderful museums in Israel:
> 1: The museum in Or-Yehuda, with focus on Iraqi Jewry.
> 2: The museum in Zfat (Safed), who's collections are devoted to the
> community of the Hungarian-speaking Jewry. Both of them excellent museums,
> with a lot of educational and genealogical activities. (I can judge, since
> I retired as a librarian at the "Eretz-Israel Museum" in Ramat-Aviv,
> Tel-Aviv).
> If we want a museum that will be a mirror of Jewsih life in Bukovina, the
> good and bad times, the heritage, the W.W. 2 disasters, also the positive
> influence of the very-good Aliya of Romanians who survived the horrors, and
> choose Israel to be their homeland, an Aliya that did a lot in a very
> honorable and quiet way - well - I think that such a museum should come into
> life in N.Y, or Washington D.C., or Tel-Aviv or Haifa. If that will happen,
> we will reach a much larger audience, both locals and tourists, who will
> learn whatever is to learn about our forefathers, and Jewish life, culture
> and accomplishments in Bukovina.
> I want to tell you about my cousin Berta Zamir, nee Rosner, born in Czer.,
> who did not want to join a Rosner roots trip to Bukovina in 2001. She said -
> "I have such wonderful memories from my youth-years in Cz. - I do not want
> to spoil them."
> Please, excuse me, all of you, for sharing with you what I have on my
> heart, and want to tell you for a long time (and do excuse also my
> spelling mistakes...): Czernowitz has "vomitted" us, and killed our
> families. Charish your memories. Share them with your children and
> grandchildren. Write them down, and subbmit them to the correct archives,
> and stop courting Czernowitz, who is interested mainly in our materials and
> Dollars.
> Since Pessach is behind the door - do not forget to back a toch - with a
> bit of potato-starch, and have a very happy Pessach!
> All the best - Miriam Lava, nee Rosner, Israel
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