[Cz-L] Museum

From: E. & G. Weissmann <EGWeissmann_at_gmx.net>
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 13:21:03 +0200
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History digest <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: "E. & G. Weissmann" <EGWeissmann_at_gmx.net>

Dear all,
Have just returned from a longer trip and reading the latest
developments as to the museum, etc. It all looks much better than a few
weeks ago, and it shows,
what we all know, that together, we are a force.
However, I feel very strongly about having a museum in the cemetery. I
don't know how it looks from the Halacha point of view, but it would be
again a kind
of "Ghettoization", all put away nicely outside town, so as if it were
not part of the city' history. I also know that Helmut Kusdat has been
trying for a long time to raise money, and he already has an estimate
 from an architect to restore the Beth Tahara but I completely agree
with Abraham Kogan that it is not the adequate place for a museum.
(Unless the entire cemetery is declared a museum!)
The best would be in the Temple, but this might take many more years to
come. In the meantime, if the exhibition goes well, maybe the local
authorities will allow another few rooms in the Jewish House for this
purpose, so that it becomes a permanent exhibition.
In his letter Prof. Moskowitch refers to the first period of the Shoa as
part of the planned exhibition. Here we are again - splitting the
history for some undisclosed
Reconsidering all the correspondence and arguments, the idea of creating
a Bukowina department within the Beth Hatefusoth or other similar
institutions in Israel
sounds more attractive than ever.
Regards to everybody and a great and happy Pessach!

Eduard & Gabriele Weissmann
E-Mail: EGWeissmann_at_gmx.net

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