[Cz-L] Museum

From: flo heymann <floheymann_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:10:26 +0300
To: glynn_at_spontini.co.uk, czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: flo heymann <floheymann_at_hotmail.com>

Dear David, dear List Members,

Thank you very much for your encouragements and the confidence that you grant to us.
David, thanks also for your very useful suggestions and advices.

I think that it will be important to collect all the opinions of the List Members
and to try to make a synthesis.

We can also receive a copy of the documents, which you want to send on a CD
and to bring them with us in June.I presume it will be the most adapted medium,
because we didn't know the efficiency of the Internet connections.

I propose to prepare a sort of outline of the topics, which should be treated.
So we could think about the type of material which could be exposed. All your
ideas, suggestions or critics will be the welcomes.

With my warmest regards,

Dr. Florence Heymann
Scientific Coordinator
Centre de recherche francais de Jerusalem
3, rue Shimshon
B.P. 547
Jerusalem 91004
Tel.: 972-(0)2- 5658106
Fax: 972-(0)2- 6735325
Email: fheymann_at_crfj.org.il

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