RE: [Cz-L] Jewish Museum of Czernowitz

From: Irene Fishler <>
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 14:39:47 +0300
Reply-to: Irene Fishler <>

Dear All,
I strongly believe we should insist on including Hardy's
"HOLOCAUST"-SLIDE-SHOW ( the last version) in the Holocaust-section of the
It fits perfectly well into a small room.
It is esthetic, concise, clear and simple.
It contains all the important elements of the topic.
It is the fruit of hard work done with enthusiasm out of a strong will to
cooperate with the Ukrainian People in Czernivtsi.
Please watch it today ,together with your children and grandchildren, if
I think it's the right thing to do on Passover: tell the story ...bechol
dor va dor...
And, be happy that we are still here, all of us.
Happy Pessach!

[*Hardy's slide show can be downloaded directly from:
or if you need some help, go to the menu on the home page and click on
'2008 Anniversary Power Point Presentation'. --moderator j]

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