[Cz-L] Eternity

Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 07:33:56 +0300
To: CZERNOWITZ-L <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>

<http://pics.livejournal.com/vitaliy7/pic/0014pr8c/g177> ,
 Hi Group,
   If you click this link you will see the Turkish steps and bridge
  on the Turkengasse of Czernowitz.
    The caption reads "Steps of Eternity ".
     Eternity ? Maybe not but , but 300-400 years old for sure.
       This is also the place that the scattered jewish gravestones
          were found.
        All this is gone now. They are now making new ,concrete steps ,
      so the the old Babushkas coming up the steps for shopping ,
        don't break a leg, or worse.
          Eternity ? It's still there.
            The misery and squalor of the old jewish shtetl with the
          smell of Tschulent , coming at you from every door.
            As if it was yesterday.
                Eternity ?
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