[Cz-L] Information related to Czernowitz needed by Helen Livnat

From: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 12:31:20 -0400
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History digest <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>

Dear all,

Helen Livnat requested that I send the following letter to the list:

> Dear friends,
> My name is Helen Livnat Wininger and I have been writing a book
> that covers the period between the years 1938 and 1948.
> I need your help for completing the following details :
> 1. I would like to know the name of a place, a"shteitl ",
> not far from Chernovitz, where people could travel to, by train,
> in the year 1938.
> 2. The name, address and other information about a famous
> psychiatrist, that was treating children with problems like "autism ".
> 3. A place between Chernovitz and a nearby "shteitl", where the
> Gypsies used to settle down.
> 4. The date, as exact as possible, when the Gypsies and the Jews
> were deported to Transnistria.
> Every and each detail of the above topics is very important to me
> because I want the book to be authentic.
> I'm a close relative of the writer Shlomo Wininger that lived
> during The WW 2 in Chernovitz.( He was born in Bukovina, Gura Humor).
> I wrote and published a book
> about this family two years ago and it also became a recommended
> book at schools here in Israel. It's written in Hebrew.
> It describes 100 years of history, through very interesting and
> fascinating stories, told by two young boys, from the year 1850
> to 1948. Its name in Hebrew is " Filling Time with Life "

> Thank you and I'm very grateful to those who are ready to make
> an effort
> and send me some information.
> I hope to publish the new book shortly and I'll let you know.
> It deals with the period before WW II till today.
> Best wishes
> Helen
> e-mail to: livnath_at_013.net.il Tel : 09-9552935
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