I am no expert in corporations.
Can somebody , in simple words ,explain the advantages.
What does " strong word in the future in Czernowitz" mean ?
On the Museum , would being a corporation give us more leverage than
now ?
How ?
Please excuse my ignorance.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce Reisch" <bir1_at_nysaes.cornell.edu>
To: <ajs1pres_at_aol.com>; <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 8:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Meeting in Czernowitz
> At 9:08 -0400 4/10/08, Bruce Wexler, ajs1pres_at_aol.com wrote:
>>One other important point I'd like to make, which I've tried to make in
>>the past. With a group as large as ours, we could, if unified, be a strong
>>voice with regards to the future in Czernowtiz. To that point may I
>>suggest that we consider the possibility of forming a corporation. Some of
>>you know that the LitvakSIG is incorporated. By doing this they elect
>>officers that act on behalf of their group.
> In our case, when questions arise, a group of officers, gaining a
> consensus of the group's feelings on certain questions, might speak with a
> stronger voice than individuals writing sometimes contrary opinions.
> ************
> -snip-
> Hi Bruce:
> You make a good point, but there are some real pros and cons to forming a
> formal organization. You do a good job with the "pro" side of things, so
> let me mention some of the possible negatives:
> 1. An organization will require a number of dedicated individuals willing
> to put considerable time and effort into formal incorporation, creation of
> by-laws, attendance at meetings, and deciding upon actions and policies.
> Do we have a group willing to devote the time and energy necessary?
> 2. An organization might also create problems of various kinds - those
> close to the Litvak SIG (your example) may know that there have been
> communication problems and many disagreements among its leadership.
> Sometimes this has prevented progress on the very issues for which it was
> created.
> 3. We already have an organization - "Hitachdut Olei Bucovina", the World
> Organization of Bukovina Jews. Members of this list not already members
> of the World Organization are encouraged to join. We would speak most
> effectively if we speak as one unit. I believe that our listserv has
> helped to foster worldwide communication among Bukovina Jews and their
> descendants. But to create a parallel organization, unless its goals and
> objectives are clearly different, would not be a good approach.
> In any case, that's just my opinion.
> Warmest wishes,
> Bruce
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This moderated discussion group is for information exchange on the subject of
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