Miriam (Mimi) Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
> I have found on the WorldCat one book by Traian Popovici called
> "Spovedania = Testimony." Unfortunately, the only copy held in the
> U.S. is at the Library of Congress. This website is at
> http://www.worldcat.org
> Other subject headings that may contain information include:
> Righteous Gentiles in the Holocaust and
> Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- Romania (much broader and
> less likely to be very specific)
> Searching Traian Popovici on http://books.google.com retrieves 520
> items, most dealing with with the Holocaust period but little about
> his early life.
> Stephanie Weiner
> San Diego, CA, USA
> laguna_at_sciti.com
Dear Stephanie,
Thanks for the information.
I am interested in reading whatever is available about Traian Popovici.
Unfortunately I am only able to find bits and pieces.
My most recent find is the book written by I. C. Butnaru
"The Silent Holocaust Romania and its Jews",
published by Greenwood Press in 1992.
Under the sources for this book, the Cartea Neagra of Matatias Carp
is mentioned again.
This book was published earlier in Israel in Romanian, under the title:
"Holocaustul Uitat" (forgotten holocaust).
We know that Traian Popovici was a lawyer who lived in Czernowitz, but when
did he move to Czernowitz? Why did Antonescu in 1941, choose him to be the
mayor of the city? Who had been the mayor, just before then?
Florin asked whether his wife was Jewish? I assume the answer is NO, but why
is the question being asked? Did he have personal friends who were Jewish?
As I believe and wrote in one of my previous messages, Traian Popovici
handed out 4000 permits to remain in Cernauti in October of 1941. Exactly
when and to whom were these permits given? In November of 1941 with the aid
of the queen mother Regina Elena, he persuaded Antonescu to allow Calutescu
to issue a further 15 600 permits. To whom were these issued?
Why did people who had these Calutescu permits still have to fear
deportation in the summer of 1942?
When exactly and why, did Traian Popovici resign as mayor of Cernauti?
How is it that he died at the early age of 54?
I believe he had a brother, who also lived in Czernowitz. Did his brother
leave any testimony about him? Did Traian Popovici have any children?
If yes, did they leave any testimony, are any of them still alive?
Possibly we could collect both everything published by and about him,
as well as individual testimonies from members of the list and have this
material as a section on the "ehpes" site.
This moderated discussion group is for information exchange on the subject of
Czernowitz and Sadagora Jewish History and Genealogy. The Czernowitz-L list
has an associated web site at http://czernowitz.ehpes.com that includes a
searchable archive of all messages posted to this list. Please post in "Plain
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