Miriam (Mimi) Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
Dear Florentin,
You should not worry that we underestimate the worth,
or the good intensions of Traian Popovici, both in issuing
the many Popovici authorizations he issued, as well as being
the person who interceded with queen Elena and marshal Antonescu,
to have governor Calotescu issue 20 000 authorizations,
allowing their bearers to remain in Cernauti.
There is also no doubt, that his actions were not motivated,
either by personal gain or only by worry about the economic well-being
of the city.
Please do send us some of the poems written by Traian Popovici.
With best regards,
> Dear former and actually Czernowitzers,
> Thank you all those who replied to my appeal and offered information
> about Traian Popovici and the way in which they survived.
> I thought over and over whether I sent you this message. I see that
> there are some uncertain aspects about his person. I want to clarify
> some details that I observed in my correspondence with you.
> 1. There were 2 kinds of certificates> one of Popovici's and one
> of Calotescu's (governor).
> 2. I know that Calotescu gave more certificates than Traian
> Popovici, but in exchange of money.
> 3. The no. 20000 saved Jews belongs to Popovici as a result of
> his intervention. But he didn't signed more than 4000/5000
> certificates. This no. exactly had been planned to be deported during
> June 1942. As I know Traian Popovici had just been removed from his
> office in December 1941.
> 4. There was an economical strategy in the selection of those
> who had to remain in Czernowitz. I know that the mayor exceed that
> order offering the permits even to those didn't fit the selection
> criterion.
> 5. For this "abuse", Traian Popovici was removed, even him
> confessing this in his autobiography. I hope you read it.
> 6. I don't think that Popovici can be blamed of an intervention
> only from the economical point of view. I think that he was a great
> man who acted without any interest , risking his own position/job. As
> a matter of fact this is what finally happened.
> 7. I have the chance to read his poems written in his two last
> years, in which he express this soul pain, not for what he had done
> but maybe for the lack of gratitude. Many of them refer to death.
> There are quite pessimistic.
> 8. I think there is no doubt that there cannot be o comparison
> between Shindler and Traian Popovici. The mayor had a model education
> which he fallowed consequently and even inn that troubled period. It
> was not the case of Schindler's (whose merits remain undoubtfully).
> There is a question in what concerns the Shindler's motivation. For
> Traian Popovici all seems be clear. I hope you agree with me. At
> least, that is my opinion according to my research.
> I wrote this because I noticed that there were some questionabout the
> motivation of T.P's intervention.
> I know his is appreciated as a savior, like Shindler, but I want to
> know that the doubts concerning the mayor's motivation will
> disappear.Also, there is a rough written statement which belonged to
> Dori Popovici (1942)who was the Traian Popovici's uncle, former
> Minister without portfolio, importantpolitical man who died in prison
> after 1950. He addressed to Antonescu criticizing their crimes
> against the Jews. I know that Traian Popovici lived for a while with
> his uncle. I think that there he formed his character(humanity).
> Also, the religious education from home wasn't unimportant.
> I looked for and found out the Traian Popovici's biography,written by
> his brother. Andrew requested me to give him more information about
> T.P.' childhood. I will begin soon to do it. If you are interested in
> it, then I will give more details about his life on CZ list. If not I
> will send only to Andy. I don't have all information about his life,
> but I will continue the research.
> I expect objections regarding my notes.
> Best wishes,
> Florentin
> P.S. It's not true that Traian Popovici is known in Romania.Indeed
> there is a small street in Bucharestwith his name, but it due some
> difficult interventions. However his deeds are completeunknown even
> in Bucharest.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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