Dear all,
As you know, Andrew wants to make a film that
will begin with Popovici's childhood. Personally,
I'm delighted this idea and I'll try to sustain
from Romania as much as possible this great
project. As for me, this supposes a hard work
because the information about Popovici's
childhood is little and intermittents. However,
I previously told you that I possess information
about that period of his life. Together we must
get information to help the writting of the film
scenario. As I promised, I'll begin to give the
details I have on CZ list because I was asked
this. I'll send you in episodes aspects of his
life. I'll write episode 1,2....3 and so on.
Forgive my eventual mistakes because my English
is not very well. For this reason, I'll try not
to write long stories in order to let you delight
with them.
I intend to look in the National Archives from
Romania (although I went there once), but I think
the same thing should be done in Czernowitz, too.
I insist once more to help one other in this
great project. As Andrew promised he will begin
the film when he has the necessary information.
Thank you again to all those who helped me with
the information and I wish our collaboration
would continue.
First I send you below a Traian Popovici's poem
(in Romanian version) because I was requested
Best wishes,
Romania, Campulung Moldovenesc
REFLECTII POSTUME (de dr. Traian Popovici)
Nu stra˜bate glas de clopot
Huma ce ma˜ t¸ine-n ghiara˜,
Din gheena˜ nici un clocot
Nu mai muge ca o fiara˜.
Surda˜-i glia, surd pa˜mântul,
Bezna-I surda˜ ca s¸i luna,
Când spre ea urcam avântul
S¸i cers¸eam iubiri într-una.
Nici un plânset, nici un geama˜t
Si nici râsul purpuriu
Nu coboara˜-caldu-i freama˜t-
In ta˜cerea din sicriu.
N-aud salcia pletoasa˜,
Ce se frânge pe mormânt,
Nici ja˜lania duioasa˜
Din tropare s¸i din cânt.
N-aud clocotul furtunei
S¸i nici tra˜znetul din tunet,
Valul mis¸ca˜tor al dunei
Nu-mi aduce nici un sunet.
Nici vântoasele din stepa˜
S¸i nici mugetele ma˜rii,
Nici copita cea sireapa˜
N-aduc zvonul alina˜rii.
Trilurit de turturele
Somnul meu nu mi-l alint,
N-aud glasul dragei mele
S¸i nici râsu-i de-argint.
N-aud fos¸netul de rochii
S¸i nici pasul de conduri,
N-aud plânsul greu din ochi-i
Nici sa˜rutul dragei guri.
Nu mi-ajunge nici o s¸oapta˜,
Nici un tremur ma˜-nfioara˜,
Putreda˜-i ta˜cerea, coapta˜,
Bezna-apasa˜, ma˜-mpresoara˜.
Nici lumina˜, nici vibrare
Nu-i în lumea humei reci.
In ta˜cere s¸i uitare,
Dorm în linis¸tea de veci...
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