I think it is a non-issue, at least in the Ukrainian text, whether it
reads "the Jews" or "Jews." I am not a Ukrainian speaker but I
know Polish, which is grammatically similar, and there is no such
distinction because there are no articles (the, a, an). If someone
knows otherwise please chime in. I agree with David that "the Jews"
is preferable in English.
Dale Prince
> From: glynn_at_spontini.co.uk
> To: Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu; mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu
> Subject: [Cz-L] Popovici plaque
> Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 20:50:57 +0100
> Dear Mimi and List members,
> I respectfully disagree with Gary that JEWS is preferable to THE JEWS in the
> last line. What exactly is the significance of "The Jews", as opposed to
> "Jews", sounds to me rather like the arcane discussions on the number of
> plagues in the Hagadah. THE JEWS reads well, but JEWS on its own reads
> awkwardly and leaves the reader wondering what this curious wording means.
> The revised wording in Mimi's 23 May email:
> strikes me as very peculiar wording to have on a plaque. It does not read
> well.
> Please, Mimi, stick with your original suggestion! That is after all what
> was voted on.
> Best regards to all,
> David
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