Re: [Cz-L] Popovici plate

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2008 18:46:22 -0400
To: HARDY BREIER <>, Czernowitz <Czernowitz-L_at_CORNELL.EDU>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <>

Miriam (Mimi) Taylor <>

Dear Hardy and fellow Czernowitzers,

The plaque could be put in the museum, if Josef Zissels
will agree to this. Will he?
Possibly Marianne or Florence should contact him and ask.
When I met with him, he made it clear that HE MAKES ALL
the decisions regarding museum and Natalya does not.

I have sent Natalya Shevchenko a copy of my family's
Popovici authorization, I do not know whether she will
display it and what the explanation next to it will be.
Generally, I do not know how much of the history
of the Jews of Czernowitz during WW2 will be explained
or mentioned in the museum and whether all the photographs
and copies of documents which were sent to me by members
of this list and which I sent to Natalya will be used.

I would like to continue in my efforts to have the city
put up a plaque on the house in which Traian Popovici lived
on the Herrengasse. This is a very central location
and if the plaque is put up there, all casual passer-by
will see it, In the museum, only those interested
in visiting the museum will.

Maita Prout is still trying to find the appropriate person
at the city administration, with whom we can make arrangements
about the plaque. Our difficulties so far, may be due
to a misunderstanding, which possibly can still be rectified.


> Hi, All,
> Why can't we put the plate in the Museum.
> It will need no City approval.
> It can be on a plastic picture panel.
> It will cost a fraction of a stone .( if anything).
> It will be exposed to the right public.
> The text will have to read "this is to" instead
> of "in this house" or someting.
> Can also have picture.
> What do you think ?
> Hardy

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