[Cz-L] Gary Rogovin Is there a cemetary named Corase or Corese in Sadagura? can someone please help?

From: <grcpa_at_att.net>
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2008 19:40:14 +0000
To: Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: grcpa_at_att.net


Dear List members,

With the assistance of a miracle, I have found my maternal Grandmother's death record (6/21/1928) on Mormon FHL microfilm 2395775 of the "Chernivtsi Oblast State Archive" set. The existence of these microfilms was brought to my attention by Bruce Reisch, to whom I am deeply grateful.

The record column headings are printed in German. The information entries within the columns is handwritten in Rumanian. This is understandable since Sadagura was part of Austria until 1917 and then Rumania from 1917 to 1941. In 1928, they were obviously still using remaining Ledgers printed in German, while hand-writing current information in Rumanian. With the assistance of Internet dictionaries, I have been able to translate most of the German language column headings and the handwritten Rumanian language entries.

However, the handwriting of the person who wrote the entries in Rumanian is, to my untrained eye for the Romanian language, somewhat difficult to read.

I have two questions:
1) The column labeled "place of burial" or "internment" in German, has handwritten in it as best as I can determine, "cimitirinl Corase (or Corese)Sadagura". I believe this means "cemetery Corase (or Corese).

Does anyone know of a Jewish cemetery in Sadegura by that name or which previously had been known by that name in 1928? If so, what is the current name and where in Sadagura is it located?

2) For the Rumanian speaking members of this list, would any of you be willing to interpret certain writing in this death record for me? I would highlight the writing I need translated on a photocopy which I would mail to you, with a stamped, self-addressed return envelope. I would need you to provide me with your mailing address. Unfortunately, my scanner has stopped working, so I would have to use regular U.S. mail for now, rather than email the document to you as an attachment.

I would be very grateful for any assistance.

Thank you all.

Gary Rogovin
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