[Cz-L] Krenwuerstel

From: Arthur von Czernowitz <vonczernowitz_at_netscape.net>
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2008 16:34:22 +0300
To: cornel fleming <cornel.fleming_at_virgin.net>
Reply-to: Arthur von Czernowitz <vonczernowitz_at_netscape.net>

While stationed in Yugoslavia I had Krajnske kobasice (sausages from Krajn)
On a trip to Graz, Austria for provisions, I saw at the butcher
I remember asking the butcher if the sausages were made with horseradish,
he told me that sausages are named after Krajn in Slovenia and that it
has nothing to do with horseradish.
The same as frankfurters are named after Frankfurt and wieners after Vienna=

Krajn, Slovenia is not far from the border with Austria.

Could somebody tell me the origin of SCHMATE (rag)
I remember, my grandmother commenting, “die Liebe brennt wie eine nasse=
(Love is burning like a wet rag)
After seeing our next door neighbor’s daughter walking with her
boyfriend holding hands.


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any thanks, Moderator Bruce]
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