Hi all, does anybody know where i can buy a copy of the jane rostos book??=
Have tried with the isbn no and via amazon and suceava with no success. =
-----Original Message-----
From: reuven_at_rennert.org [mailto:reuven_at_rennert.org]
Sent: 22 June 2008 06:05
To: cornel fleming
Cc: 'Reuven Rennert'; 'Irene Fishler'; henry_at_sinnreich.net; 'czernowitz-L';=
'Jane Rostos'
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] New book about Czernowitz: Czernowitzer Morgenblatt
the ISBN is 978-973-666-272-0, published by Editura Universitatii Suceava.
Best regards,
Reuven Rennert
cornel fleming writes:
> Hi, does anybody know the isbn no for this book?? cornel
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