[Cz-L] Chrein

From: jeanne andelman <eandelman2_at_earthlink.net>
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 08:09:41 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
To: czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu
Reply-to: jeanne andelman <eandelman2_at_earthlink.net>

Dear All,
As usual, Hardy Breir sees things as they are.

My family came from Galicia and referred to horseraddish as Chrein. It's nice to find out the origin of this word (especially how to spell it) as each bite of info takes a researcher a little closer to one's origins. My family was from Mielnica and Kudrynce, Galicia.
A few years ago I learned that Bobbie, the name my maternal g/mother Chana FLEISCHMANN, from Tarnopol was called, was Ukrainian for Bubbe and that mummaliga was a Ukrainian dish. I find these pieces of seemingly trivial importance actually great subtle links to the genealogical puzzle.

Also, I very much enjoyed seeing the propsed museum pictures from Cznerowitz a few weeks ago, with those involved working hard at making it come to be. It brings it all to life and seeing the building w/the banner in the background, so clean and rich looking, gives me a sense of what the city might have looked like in my father's time (early 1900s) when he worked there. I'm curious to know what building it is, what the banner says, and was the building recently cleaned for the anniversary celebration.

Thanks in advance for any answers and to Bruce and Jerome for providing this wonderful web site where I have learned so much from the researchers.

Best Wishes,
Jeanne Blitzer Andelman
Hardy Breir wrote:
As stated before if we kept to the rule the trafic on the
      Ehpes would be very,very low.
        What fills the space ? Subjects like:
               Book keeping
              Travel advice
                  A Babes a Zwiok
                  and other matters that make life interesting
                  and we like discussing,
                  related to Czernowitz ,but not only.
                  Filter these out and what have you got ?
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