Re: [Cz-L] herunterrutschen and Ein Hund

Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2008 10:45:34 +0300

 " Ein Hund "well known German children revolving never ending song:

Ein Hund kam in die Küche und stahl dem Koch ein Ei,
da nahm der Koch den Löffel und schlug den Hund zu Brei.

Da kamen viele Hunde und gruben ihm ein Grab
und setzten ihm ein' Grabstein, auf dem geschrieben stand:

Ein Hund kam in die Küche und stahl dem Koch ein Ei,
da nahm der Koch den Löffel und schlug den Hund zu Brei.

  Dog comes into kitchen, steals an egg from cook,
  Cook takes a laddle and beats the dog to mash,
  And there came many dogs , and digged a grave for dog,
    And put on top a gravestone on which was written so:
  From the beginning

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2008 9:20 AM
Subject: [Cz-L] herunterrutschen and Ein Hund

> 6-27-08
> Dear List members,
> I remember hearing my Sadagura/CZ mother say an expression in German and=
> laugh at it. For years I have been wondering if any one knew this
> expression. Then in today's postings, Andrew Malmay used the words "Pukel=
> 'runter rutchen", then Cornel Fleming used the words "mir den puckel
> runterrutschen", then Hardy used the words "Den Buckel herunterrutschen".=
> These words served as a memory jogger.
> I do not wish to offend anyone with what I am about to repeat. I do not=
> speak German, so I am writing this phonetically. I believe at least part=
> of the expression my mother laughed at was "Kish mir un puckel Schteigen=
> herunterrutschen un tsunga bremsen". The part of her translation that I=
> seem to remember went something like this: climb on my shoulders, then
> slide down my back and on your way down stick out your tongue (as you pas=
> over my rear)to brake yourself.
> Is anyone familiar with the actual entire expression, and if so, could yo=
> please write it in German and then translate into English.
> The second thing I remember is part of a children's rhyme song my mother=
> used to sing. It went something like this: "Ein Hund cum en die kicher,=
> lah lah, lah lah, lah lah". I am using lah lah as a rhythmic substitute=
> for missing words. My mother's translation was something like this "a dog=
> came in the kitchen and ate the food, so the dog was hit over the head
> with a wooden spoon" or something like that. Does anyone know this song.=
> If so, could you kindly email me the words in German and translate into=
> English.
> If the actual translation of either of the above would, in your opinion,=
> be offensive to anyone, then in deference to our esteemed moderator, coul=
> you please respond to me off-list
> Thank you,
> Gary Rogovin

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