Re: [Cz-L] ' turn over a glass... '

From: jerome schatten <>
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2008 09:03:09 -0700
To: cornel fleming <>,
Reply-to: jerome schatten <>

Lucca, Cornel, et al:

I too attest to the efficacy of turning over a glass to find misplaced
objects. It works, and in fact, I've never had an instance where it
didn't work. My Czernowitzer father did it, his father did it, usw.

As a boy, I asked my father how the 'glass trick' worked. He said:
"...focus; the glass focuses the mind on the object and makes it so
uncomfortable that it presents itself again".

Last year I became interested in whether this process worked for only
Jews, and so I instructed several gentiles in the arcane art of
finding lost stuff by turning over a glass. It worked for them too!


> A glass placed upside down works! Definitely! I use it, my children
> use it,
> my friends use it and it is the only way to find something which you
> have
> lost!
> I really cannot explain how it works - maybe it's purely
> psychological,
> something that our parents have instilled in us, or maybe the act of
> turning
> a glass upside down prods our memory - I really don't know!
> I remember I once looked for a pair of lost gloves and I just wanted
> to find
> out if I can find them without the upturned glass. It was no
> good;they had
> simply disappeared. So I finally gave in and turned the glass upside
> down,
> immediately afterwards I opened my fridge and there they were! Two
> gloves!
> Why I put them there? If I remember right I had just come back from a
> marketing trip and I put fruit and vegetables into the fridge.
> along went the gloves! Without the glass I would never have thought
> of
> looking into the fridge!
> Now I dare anyone to doubt this!
> Shabat Shalom, Lucca

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