Miriam (Mimi) Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
Dear Ruthi,
Someone else who, I think, actually was hidden with the bishop's consent
in the bishop's residence, has applied to Yad Va-shem, to have the title of
"righteous gentile" bestowed on Tit Simidrea. Yad Va-shem is very careful
in it's research, before bestowing this title. Some accusations, have been
made against Tit Simedrea, that he on occasion made anti-Semitic remarks.
If you are sure that the bishop gave your grandfather a letter,
declaring your grandfather a "needed citizen", please write
to Yad Va-Shem and inform them. The person to contact is:
Irena Steinfeldt
Director, Righteous Among the Nations Department
Yad Vashem
P.O.B. 3477
91034 Jerusalem
Tel: 972-2-6443 521
Fax: 972-2-6443 743
email: irena.steinfeldt_at_yadvashem.org.il
All the best,
> During the War II, we lived in Czernowitz, in front of the Rezidenz -
> Universitaetsstrasse 9.
> My grandfather, Isak Ziegler, was the Bishops tailor.
> In order not to be deported to Transnistria, the Bishop gave my
> grandfather a letter, as a "needy citizen".
> We own him a big homage, honor and thanks!
> He surely deserve to be declared as a "righteous gentile" by Yad
> Va-Shem.
> Ruth Schaerf Sharvit
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