Oh I remember gelamter terk but haven't heard it in over 25 years, since my=
Dad died. He was a footballer in his younger days (Hakoah Wien, no less) an=
d had firm views about the footballing talents of players in our local team.=
I can still picture the bemusement of fellow-spectators as he berated some=
hapless soul with "er schpielt wie a gelemter terk!" (he plays like a disab=
led person of Turkish origin). I also remember morning-gella: an expression =
of resigned exasperation. Tateh (also taten) for father, too. My dad used t=
o sing a song "Oi ist duss ein mamale! Ein mazel oif ihr taten." (Oh, is sh=
e a mother! A mazel (good luck) to her father).
-----Original Message-----
From: "Arthur von Czernowitz" <vonczernowitz_at_netscape.net>
Cc: "CZERNOWITZ-L" <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>
Sent: 08/07/08 20:27
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Yiddish
How about, di bist a Rumeinishe Ganif?
> Czernowitzer were very conceited -" Eingebildet".
> All the surrounding people were inferior and got derogatory nicknames:
> The Russians were :"Fonie Ganew "- Fonie for Iwan.
> The Polish were : " Polske dribke " -What is a Dribke ?
> The Turks were : " Gelemter Terk " Gelemt means Lame .
> And many more I cannot recall.
> Can you ?
> Hardy
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