[Cz-L] Are you going to Czernowitz?

From: Yossi.Zur <yossi_at_blondi.co.il>
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2008 18:36:06 +0300
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: "Yossi.Zur" <yossi_at_blondi.co.il>

Hi all,

I see the exchange of emails of going to Czernowitz in the list and suddenl=
think, if you are going to Czernowitz will you take my son with you and sen=
me back photos.
I would thank for any pictures but would appreciate photos from Solka and
Suceava as well.

Here's the more general request I issued, but from you I ask photos from
Czernowitz, the origin of our family.

On March 5th 2003, a young high school boy named Asaf was on his way home
 from school. A suicide murderer who blew himself up on Asaf's bus killed hi=
and sixteen other innocent men, women and children.

Asaf was almost seventeen years old when he died, and he is my son.

As every young man does, Asaf would have finished high school and service
and would have gone on a trip to see the world: South America, the Far East=
India or maybe Australia and New Zealand. He wanted very much to go surfing
at the famous beaches in Hawaii and Australia. Asaf wanted to hike the high
peaks of Nepal and the Himalayas.

Now I am sending Asaf on his world tour. Without a passport or a back pack.
I am sending you only this picture and his spirit and ask you to help take
Asaf wherever you go. India, Thailand, New Zealand or the Chinese wall =96
even the Olympics. Wherever you go, take out the picture, take a photo of i=
in the place you are and email it back to me (Yossi_at_Blondi.co.il).

If you are not traveling, take the photo in your city or town, at the mall,
city stadium, or even your front or back yard.

to download a picture to print got to http:/

Asaf will travel to these places through your photos, which will be
displayed in Asaf's world tour photo album on the internet. This way Asaf
will be at all those wonderful places in the world he wasn't lucky enough t=

You can print a few copies of the attached picture and leave copies on your
way, hang it on a bulletin board at the hotel or the guest house you stay
in, leave it along the hiking path, put it in the visitor's book you write
your experience in.

Help me get my son around the world and make his world tour go through each
country on the globe.

Yossi Zur, Asaf's father

Email: Yossi_at_Blondi.co.il <Blondi713_at_gmail.com>

Web: www.Blondi.co.il <http://www.blondi.co.il/>
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DlzS3G2pZ7MI
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