Re: [Cz-L] going to Czernowitz early August

From: Arthur von Czernowitz <>
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2008 15:07:35 -0400
Reply-to: Arthur von Czernowitz <>

Possible Duplication

Dear Joanna.=20
Welcome to the Czernowitzer list.=20
My suggestion is to fly out of Warsaw with a change of planes in Kiev.=20
You will be departing Warsaw at 09:20 arrive Chernovsti 15:30=20

If you take the train, it will take you over 18 hours and 3 train changes.=20
There are 2 trains a day. One departing 13:19 the second 14:05, both arrive=20=
at 08:36=20
Departing Krakow 13:19 arrive 08:36 the next day. Overnight trains with 3 ch=
anges, I am sure you don=E2=80=99t speak Polish or Ukrainian.=20

What dates will you be traveling?=20



-----Original Message-----
From: Joanna Liss <>
Sent: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 8:01 pm
Subject: [Cz-L] going to Czernowitz early August

Hello, I just joined the list. I am leaving in about 10 days and will =3D
pend about 2 weeks in Czernowitz. I am going as part of an =3D
nternational volunteer project under the auspices of a group called =3D
olunteers for Peace. The counterpart group in Ukraine is an NGO called =3D
The project involves clearing graves in the Jewish cemetery, which I =3D
nderstand is badly neglected. I will be working with a group of 10 from =3D
arious countries, including Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland, =3D
weden, Italy, and Australia. I am from Massachusetts (originally from =3D
ew York) and am the only American. I am a woman in my 50's. From my =3D
rior experience with volunteer projects thru VFP, most of the =3D
olunteers will be young ad
ults. I believe that we will be working along =3D
ith local people.=3D20
I do have relatives from the Czernowitz area. For those of you who know =3D
im, I am Nick Martin's cousin. Our grandmothers were sisters. From =3D
ick, I know that my grandmother was from Sadgura and emigrated to the =3D
S in the early 20th century. She died in the Bronx, where I grew up, =3D
hen I was about 12. I also have a cousin by marriage, in her 30's, who =3D
rew up in Czernowitz.
I would love to hear from anyone who has advice, questions, requests, =3D
tc. Right now I could particularly use suggestions about how to get =3D
here! My plan right now is to fly to Krakow and then take the train, =3D
ut I don't have any specific info about train schedules, etc. I will =3D
e meeting up with my family in Krakow after the project, so flying =3D
here seems the way to go.
Thanks, Joanna Liss
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