Re: [Cz-L] Popovici plaque authorized

From: yossi-jerry <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2008 22:09:02 +0300
To: HARDY BREIER <HARDY3_at_BEZEQINT.NET>, Miriam Taylor <>, David Glynn <>, Czernowitz <>
Reply-to: yossi-jerry <>

There is no question that for the Jews of Bukovina the Russians were always
the worst option. It was so in 1916 with the "Flucht" (Flight) when the
Russians advanced to Czernowitz, and it was so in 1945-46 when the vast
majority of the survivors chose the option of the so called repatriation
(but insisted not to be tagged as Rumanians). No doubt Traian Popovici
deserves the honor bestowed to his memory and he was Romanian. But for the
first time in my life I must go out of my way and make public use of being a
survivor from Transnistria and as such state that the atrocities, and
annihilation of Bukovinian, Bessarabian, and Ukrainian Jews by the Romanians
are unforgettable and unforgiveable.
 Yosef Eshet, Raanana, Israel


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