Sorry,mimi...but the jews in Rumania fared far better than the jews under
the rule of stalin and his paranoid delusions about jews, and at the end of
ww1 there was an attempt to make the bukowina into a selfgoverning territory
and that was supported by the vast majority of the jews. It failed because
the Rumanian army marched in. I also do not remember agreeing to leave out
the language of the man who worked to save our people..i was not asked and i
feel strongly since we all supported your efforts to get the plaque project
going we at least deserve the courtesy of being consulted and not just
presented with a fait accompli! cornel
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Miriam Taylor
Sent: 30 July 2008 16:34
To: HARDY BREIER; David Glynn; Czernowitz
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Popovici plaque authorized
Miriam (Mimi) Taylor <>
A footnote to what Hardy wrote:
After WW1 when it was to be decided whether Czernowitz was
to be annexed to Romania, the Jewish population was on the side
of the local Ruthenian population, who was against the annexation.
Had Czernowitz remained part of Romania, after WW2, our fate
would not necessarily have been better, nor would the fate of the city.
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