First of all, thanks to all who wrote with advice, requests, or to share =
their stories. I feel like I have learned so much about Cz and about my =
heritage, before even embarking on my trip.
I leave Monday from Boston, will fly to Krakow and then go by train thru =
Lviv to Czernowitz, where I will meet up with the international =
volunteer group. Mimi Taylor and Christian Hermann will be there for =
part of the two week period, and I look forward to meeting them =
To those of you who asked that I try to locate relative's graves, I =
promise to do my best. And Yossi, I will bring several pictures of your =
son to leave in different places along the way. I will also give them to =
the other volunteers in the group, who are from Poland, the Czech =
Republic, France, Germany, Australia.
In case anyone is interested, I have decided to keep a blog, something I =
have not done before. The link is below, and I will write as often as I =
After the cemetery project, I will meet up with my husband, son, and =
daughter in Krakow, and we will visit Auchwitz. Then we will spend a few =
days in Prague before heading back home.
Joanna Liss
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