Re: [Cz-L] Romanian Text.

Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2008 15:12:44 +0300
To: Miriam Taylor <>, Czernowitz <>

You dont say how wide letters should be..
  You dont say any about between letter space.
   We dont have lower case letters .
     Lets take the plate proposal you sent.
    If you print this layout you get a 16.0 by 16.0 cm net square.( some
rearrangement of lines ).
   As the letters of the layout are 5mm tall we must enlarge this by 4.2 to
get the minimum
letter size of 21 mm.
    This makes the net plate 160 x 4.2 = 67.2 cm long ,this is OK with your
80.0 allowed.
      But we are a little too wide ,but we can rearrange lines as our
between languages
      interval is more than needed.
      All this for a 3 language -no picture plate .
       Where do you take that English text has only 5 lines ?
        It has 6 as all others.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Miriam Taylor" <>
To: "HARDY BREIER" <>; "Czernowitz"
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Romanian Text.

> Miriam (Mimi) Taylor <>
> All current plaques in the city include a portrait of the person
> they are dedicated to. The city authorities assumed that ours will too.
> The size of the plaque is 50cm wide and 80cm long.
> The minimum readable size of the letters has to be: 2,1cm high
> for upper case letters and 1,65cm high for lower case letters.
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