Dear Friends:
I just received the email below from Edgar
Hauster. It describes his efforts to develop
searchable spreadsheets based on a 1909 Directory
for Czernowitz and other parts of the Bukowina
that he found at the library of the Vienna
University. These amazing resources are now
available for download. Read on below!
Congratulations to Edgar and his fiancée for
their dedication and hard work resulting in the
free availability of this snapshot of life from
99 years ago! By the way - the images from the
Directory on the download pages can be enlarged
by clicking on them.
Questions should be directed to Edgar at <>.
>Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 09:05:43 -0400
>From: Edgar Hauster <>
>Subject: Address book for Czernowitz including its suburbs - For the year =
>Dear friends!
>Good things come to those who wait! Four months
>after my discovery in the Vienna University
>Library and 20.040 entries further, the
>directories for Czernowitz (including the
>suburbs Horecza, Kaliczanka, Klokuczka,
>Manasteryska, Rosch), Radautz and Suczawa are
>now available for download as Excel files in my
English Version
German Version
>Bruce and Jerome: Could you find a way to make
>available the data to the Czernowitz Discussion
>I would be pleased to receive your comments, suggestions and questions!
>Warmest wishes to all of you!
>Edgar Hauster
>Veerdam 5
>NL - 6663 KW Lent
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