RE: [Cz-L] Celebrations

From: Emil Hitzig <>
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:47:21 +0300
To: "'E. & G. Weissmann'" <>, 'Czernowitz Genealogy and History digest' <>
Reply-to: Emil Hitzig <>

Hello all,

As we can see there is a pathetic struggle with the Ukrainian authorities in
this matter.
Therefore my proposal is to ignore the Ukrainian authorities at all and to
move our efforts to Romania, because POPOVOCI was Romanian and obviously the
Ukrainians are trying to wipe out any remembrance of Romanian&Austroungarian
long rule in Bukovina and also make
no mention of any Jewish presence in the city, past or present. May be in
the future ,Cz. and Northern Bukovina will be again a part of

Shana-Tova to all friends from the list

Emil Hitzig
Rishon le Zion, ISRAEL

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of E. & G.
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2008 2:36 PM
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History digest
Subject: [Cz-L] Celebrations

Hello all, we're actively back online.
Thanks to Hardy's excellent monitoring skills we found out that 352
national and international delegations are expected to join the 600
years-celebration of the
city of Czernowitz. Wonderful!
Nevertheless we would like to draw your attention to the fact that
through their official presence, all these delegations legitimize
politically the official history-writing
of the present city council of Czernowitz. If you go online to the
official web-site of the city of Czernivtzy ( - English
version), you will find under the chapter "History" a huge missing
link. Between 1905-1964 history disappeared from Czernowitz and had to
find shelter in the souls and minds of those who had shaped it decisively.
We suppose that most of these international delegations are not informed
about the official history-writing of the Ukrainean authorities. It is a
shame and we ask the
members of the List to try and make public these facts.Especially the
delegation from the twin city in Israel Nazeret-Illit should be made
aware of this fact.
We would like to recall the letter sent to Mr. Kyllinich some two years
ago in which we pointed out exactly this fact and asked the city council
to review their position and help the historical truth to prevail. We
received no answer - which is an answer too.
Have been informed that the official celebrations catalogue also makes
no mention of any Jewish presence in the city, past or present, showing
only a small photo of the Temple and of the "cinema".

Shana-Tova to all friends from the list.
Gabriele and Eduard

Eduard & Gabriele Weissmann
Kaiserdamm 18
D- 14057 Berlin

Tel./Fax: +49.30.321 15 38

{Moderator's note: The city of Chernivtsi web page reviewing its history is
at: <>. Moderator Bruce}

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