Dear All,
I am an avid reader of the Ehpes dialogs but first time writer to the list.
At the initiative and through the efforts of our cousin David Rinzler from
Montreal and after a lengthy and complex preparation a group of 18 members
of our family visited Czernowitz between September 10th and 12th.
The members of our group came from North and South America,Israel and
Australia.For most of us,second generation Czernowitzers, the trip was
extremely interesting and emotionally charged.
I have taken a few pictures at the Jewish Museum in the old Juedisches
Haus.On its small scale the museum is informative and attractive.It needs
more exhibits and some explanations about Jewish history in Czernowitz.
And, yes Hardy,there is no clear mention of the Holocaust there for now..
It also deserves a full time attendant.When we arrived the door was locked
and we could only visit with the assitance of the Jewish Community people.
We should all try to contribute more to the growth of this unique link to
our past.
The visit to the cemetery was a shock.Probably 80% or more of the total area
is completely covered with a very aggressive vegetation..I could not find
any of my family members' graves which I wanted to visit.
We all agreed that if nothing is done soon the roots of the fast growing
trees will permanently destroy the graves.
We also visited Sadagura, Camena,Storozynetz and a few other villages
around Czernowitz where our family used to live.
At the end of the stay we all decided to take another Bukowina trip in the
next year or two and give ourselves more time to see and understand.
I would like to thank Mimi Taylor and all other active members of this list
for their valuable work related to preserving the memory of Jewish
Czernowitz.I believe we should all try to become more active and help keep
the momentum.
I have uploaded some of the pictures taken at the museum and cemetery in
two albums on my Google Picasa website.If there is any interest in sharing
them on the Ehpes site the pictures can be downloaded from
I apologize for the amateur quality of the photos.
Shana Tova and best wishes to all Czernowitzers.
Sasha Wolloch
Miami Beach,Fl.
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