[Cz-L] Harry Fleischer

From: Simon Kreindler <simonkreindler_at_sympatico.ca>
Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2009 14:14:05 -0500
To: CZERNOWITZ LIST <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Simon Kreindler <simonkreindler_at_sympatico.ca>


The snippet about your mother is fascinating. Harry Fleischer was a cousin of mine. I knew a great deal about him and his family but had not been able to learn what had happened to them after they were deported from Cz to Siberia in 1941. Then about six months ago one of his sons, Alexander, found me on JewishGen and we have re-connected. Harry's mother died in Siberia. Harry survived and subsequently lived in Estonia (but died there in 1991).

Alexander and his brother now live in Germany. We will finally have the the chance to meet at a family simcha next month.

Is it possible your mother remembers Harry's older brother Agio "Hagy"who died in Cz in 1932 or his parents,Jacob and Meta(my great aunt)?

Best regards,


Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Harry Fleischer
From: Ilana Gordon <ilana_at_wordwizardsinc.com>
Date: Thu, 08 Jan 2009 13:46:55 -0500
X-Message-Number: 8

Hi all,

Since I joined the list I speak to my mother almost every day and reiterate
the various discussions. She is almost blind and cannot read. All of this
has jarred some of her memories. Yesterday she had a dream about a friend
and wondered if anyone knows anything about him. His name is Harry

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