RE: [Cz-L] Re: Itzik Manger - Another wonderful poem/song

From: Irene Fishler <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 00:58:55 +0200
To: 'HARDY BREIER' <HARDY3_at_BEZEQINT.NET>, 'CZERNOWITZ-L' <>, 'Bruce Reisch' <>, 'Jerome Schatten' <>, 'Abraham Kogan' <>
Reply-to: Irene Fishler <>

Sorry, it was NOT Chava Alberstein's interpretation I've sent earlier.

Now, here is another interpretation with a very nice animation :

Enjoy, again (why not?)

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of HARDY BREIER
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 3:42 PM
To: CZERNOWITZ-L; Bruce Reisch; Jerome Schatten; Abraham Kogan
Cc: Bruno Berry; Dov Eden; Martha & Walter Ellenbogen; Ruth Enis-Weidenfeld;
Clarice Gilboa; Jean Gilboa; Berti Glaubach; Ruth Gold-Glasberg; Josef
Horowitz; Sara & Eitan Klein; Tamar Lawner; Martin Liquornik; Y & A Menkes;
Mrs. Batia Perla; Mr. Arthur Rindner; Ora Rosen;;
Dov Shefi; Zwi Waldman
Subject: [Cz-L] Re: Itzik Manger - Another wonderful poem/song

Here are the words in latin text and a n English translation.
  This is not my doing..

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