[Cz-L] Genealogic workshop in Raanana, Israel

From: Elan&Miriam Lava <melava1_at_netvision.net.il>
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2009 23:07:38 +0200
To: czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: Elan&Miriam Lava <melava1_at_netvision.net.il>

Dear list friends - mainly Isralis,

I would like to bring to your attention the new genealogical workshop, to start its activities in Raanana . It will hold 8 meetings.
You can get more information by calling: 09-7719793; faxing:09-7745887, emailing to katedra_at_raanana.muni.il or "visiting" www.raanana.muni.il and search the link for "Katedra Amamit".

I hope that Bruce will not mind to send this message to the whole list, and that all of you had a happy Tu-B'shvat. This brings up a childhood memory from Vienna: My father used to buy on Tu-B'shvat imported fruits and olive-oil from Israel (small gree-yellow cans, with Rachel's grave ''near Bet-Lechem. Then - out in the Judean wilderness, and today - in the center of the city...)

All the best - Miriam Lava, Israel
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