[Cz-L] Chernivtsi Memory Traces...

From: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 08:55:08 -0700
To: czernowitz-L <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-to: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>


Today I received the email and attachment below from
<helena_k_at_ukrwest.net>, all in Ukrainian. Below is the Google
translation. I'm not quite sure what to do, so I'm passing it on to
the group for discussion and advice. If anyone wants to see the
complete message in the original Ukrainian, I will forward it to you.

I'm amazed at how well Google translated this; it's actually quite

How shall we respond?

==========email message==================

Respected guests!
We inform you that in 2009 in Chernivtsi be implemented
international project "Intercultural and the presence of memory
traces. Chernivtsy
of Bukovina. "annex forward description of the project.
We are very interested in working with you, so would like to meet 20-21
April, if possible. In this regard, we ask for contact details.

With respect and hope for cooperation

Joseph Markevich
Elena K.

===========attachment ooo.doc==============
"Intercultural and the presence of memory traces. Zaporozhe in

Memory may take the most subjective element of culture. One of the
signs of memory change. But in the memories of specific events that
occurred in the past change their meaning depending on the narrative
construction of stories. Memory based on individual experience and
each has a unique design.

The project "Intercultural and the presence of memory traces.
Zaporozhe in Bukovina" aims to capture the «memory phenomenon» in
Ukrainian Bukovina, particularly in Chernivtsi - the capital region,
through layers of memory in the reconstruction of the struggle for
intehralnist and religious identities communities and under the
influence of changing the borders of organisms, as well as World War

Events XX century had considerable influence on the ceremonial life
and social status of religious communities. Politically due to
territorial changes in Bukovina destroyed some of the relations
between urban centers and so on. Thus the territorial changes of
borders were a threat to the existence and sense of identity of
religious communities in the Chernivtsi region. Attempts to destroy
intehralnosti find their expression in public memory, which
dyferentsiyuyetsya through personal experience and religious
affiliation of the region.
The project will be implemented from April 1, 2009 to October 31, 2009
12 - personal international team of volunteers, professionals, lovers
of history, anthropology (interviewing residents of Chernivtsi,
«Chernivtsi immigrants», collection and documentation of family
archives, monuments), the effect will be creation of multidimensional
image memory.

An important element of the project will be to create a «topography
memory» - recovery of memories in relation to a particular urban space
of Chernivtsi. Based on the gathered video and photo documentation,
photo story, recorded and processed memories will print publication in
three languages. And also organized an exhibition to be held in
Chernivtsi, Ukraine, Warsaw, Frankfurt.
The project "Intercultural and the presence of memory traces.
Chernivtsy of Bukovina is uvikovichennya bahatovymirnosti memory
Bukovina and determining the value of this place in Europe in memory
scattered communities as a result of events of XX century.

Objectives that have the nature of direct participants in the project
meetings with residents and Bukovina Chernivtsi and material evidence
of their culture - are motivated to reflect on the difference and
similarity in researching the history of his nation, religious group
or family. Contact with the local community, which is a condition sine
qua non of the project will motivate participants to personal
comparisons and searches, as well as exchange of experience between

The project is also the initiation of dialogue with the wide publicity
on the similarity and differences of cultural heritage and Bukovina
Chernivtsi in historical and contemporary perspective in the context
of border Chernovtsov location (near the outer boundary of the EU).
International Group, part of the participants came from EU countries
will be a perfect field for dialogue on modern Europe, thus
contributing to further cultural awareness, set tolerance and openness.

Collection of video documentation, presentation and processing effects
of the project aims to revive the debate on contemporary identity
Bukovina in Ukraine and beyond its borders, an image of a common
European heritage.
First stage - organization and preparation of the project.

The second stage - the first exit (10 days, 1-10 May, 2009) will have
to acquaint project participants with the cultural specificity and
history of Bukovina Chernivtsi in particular, as well as establishing
contacts with the local community. There will also be taken several
measures on the internal integration group, methodical preparation,
description of the idea.

During the first departure will be training members to implement the
1) Methodological Training:

- Meeting with The Center for Urban History of East Central Europe in
Ukraine, during which participants will be acquainted with the
activities of the institution, the specifics of urban studies in
Ukraine, as well as demonstrated presentation materials collected
during the study cities;

- Master - classes for the interviewing and fotodokumentatsiyi to be
held alumni Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology at Warsaw

- Lecture on the theme: «meaning of« memory »in modern humanistytsi -
history, anthropology, literary studies:
a) «memory» as a subject of research;
b) «memory» as a source of knowledge about the past;
c) «memory» as experience;
d) the role of monuments of material culture in studies of memory;
e) the role of «memory» in studies of religion.

2) examine the history and culture of the region:

- Lecture on the theme: «The history of Bukovina and Chernivtsi» at
the Faculty of History University. Fedkovicha in Chernivtsi;

- City Tour;

- Introduction of «official policy Memory» when visiting museums
(Museum of Architecture and Folklore, Regional Ethnographic Museum,
Museum of Ukrainian Diaspora, Museum of Art, Museum of History and
Culture of the Jews of Bukovina), local memory, monuments, examine
offer the city;

- Familiarization with the surroundings, especially the land that were
separated from Chernivtsi Polish - Romanian border before the 1939
year (Ash, CBS, angles, Rozhiv, Sniatyn);

- The film: "Herr Zwilling und Frau Zuckermann" i "Dieses Jahr in
Czernowitz" directed by Volker Koepp.

3) examine the specifics of religious city and region:

- Meeting with representatives of religious and ethnic communities;

- Lecture on the theme: «The situation of Greek-Catholic community in
the USSR» (as an example of memory);

- Participation in religious ceremonies (optional);

4) Contact the local community:
   Interaction with local community;

- A master - Pinhole Photography class for children (photographic
equipment especially interesting in terms of relationships between
search space and memory);

- Holding conversations with selected / recommended before others;

- Organization of public lectures at the Museum of History and Culture
of the Jews of Bukovina to the local public on: «The history of
Hasidic movements in Bukovina» (with a detailed consideration of the
community Hasidy Sadhory (Sadogerer chasidim).

- Organization of meetings on the topic: «The history of Armenians in

5) joint counseling knowledge and experience (small group
The task of participants at the first exit - this is a common
fotodokumentatsiyi to be additional material during the retreat phase
of the project, as well as processing «Flash memory Zaporizhzhia» -
topographic position famous places for specific religious communities.

At the beginning of this phase will be put in place trohmovnu Internet
- page www.chernivtsi.memory.net, which will be a platform for the
presentation of the effects of the project and contact with the public
(forum). Internet - page will be implemented in the CMS, which will
allow for fruitful cooperation of all participants. Late stage will be
set up three groups, which will further implement its projects.

Third stage - members of working - projects to be implemented during
the second exit.

Conducting interviews with chernovchanami - immigrants, emphasizing
how and Bukovina Chernivtsi representation in the media that the role
of the region in the country participants. Deepen their knowledge on a
particular religious group. Training materials for publications, and
building pages www.chernivtsi.memory.net.

Fourth stage - the second exit (to 14 days, 1 - August 15, 2009). At
this stage of the participants will be directed to independent and
creative use of knowledge and materials obtained during the second and
third stages. Implementation of projects in chotyryosobovyh groups
will take place through:

1) presentation (the motivation in choosing topics, presentation of
visual material, presentation of action plan);

2) conducting public conversations and interviewing: (on the fate of
the religious community, relations between different religious and
ethnic groups, the attitude to the residents of Chernivtsi material
and architectural manifestations of a specific community activities);

3) The photo - photo story;

4) establishment of systematic and coherent documentation of specific
communities (of worship, family attractions, etc.);

5) processing and creating presentations on the needs of the
exhibition, which will open by the end of travel.
Presentation effects artist - Pinhole Photography class for children.
Implementation of the documentary film (45-60 min.)

Fifth stage - September - October, 2009. Study the effects of training

Effects of the intercultural and the presence of memory traces.
Chernivtsy Bukovyna will develop cross-border consciousness, a shared
history, and acquaintance with modern political and national
relations. Exemption from stereotypes and prejudices through joint

Formation tolerance for «other», «strangers». Regional specificity of
historical cultural image to build a new, open regional and national

The result of the first circuit stage is a map which indicated places
for specific religious communities. Effect will be holding and
processing of approximately 40 interviews for the memory on the fate
of religious communities in Bukovina, photo story, ie, visual
documentation inhabitants especially important for them.

Fotodokumentatsiya (made in Chernivtsi and locations, before the year
1939 were separated from Chernivtsi Polish - Romanian border: Ash,
CBS, angles, Rozhiv, Sniatyn) serve as the basis for the exhibition
and will be used in preparing a joint publication of the Museum of
History of Polish Hebrews on the theme: «multicultural memory
Bukovina» (paper and CD versions). The documentation collected during
the project will be submitted to the Education Department Museum of
History of Polish Jews. Documentation will be used in educational
activities and projects "Wirtualny Sztetl", which sold the museum.
Effect will be the Internet - site www.chernivtsimemory.net.


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