Re: [Cz-L] Other options for restoring the cemetery

From: <>
Date: Tue, 05 May 2009 15:22:42 -0400
To: Bruce Reisch <>

Dear Bruce and members of the list,

I too remember that Melita tried to raise funds for an initial survey
and that she could not raise the targeted amount and returned the donations
to those who had contributed.

I agree completely with Bruce. I think that we need to establish
a formal organization to take care of all the problems associated with
the cemetery. We need to do so, for all the reasons given by Bruce,
as well as because once we establish an organization, we shall have
proper oversight over funds collected and disbursed and also be able
to apply for tax exempt status, which might encourage larger donations.
I myself have very little experience of organizations, therefore would be
very grateful if other members of the group would take it on themselves
to be the organizers and inform the rest of us about all the proper
procedures and rules. At this point we just want to establish a formal
organization, tax exempt status can be applied for later.

I further agree with Bruce that the sum of money, each one of us
will contribute, does not need to be announced or confirmed publicly.
Neither should some of us tell others, how much they should contribute.
Let each one of us contribute according to their ability and desire.

There will have to be well defined and steadily adhered to procedures
for collecting and disbursing funds, so that all is done according
to acceptable legal procedures and we all know how the money is being spent=

As I have written before, if there is no opposition, we will use the money
left over from the reunion plus personal funds from Sasha Wolloch
and me to send Dr. Bursuk the initial payment. Later, those who want to,
will be able to partially reimburse Sasha and me and contribute funds
for continuing the clearing of weedy vegetation from the cemetery and
eventually for other work which will need to be done.

I hope this is acceptable.


Quoting Bruce Reisch <>:

> Andy:
> If I remember past discussions correctly, there
> was a concern about the great expense of working
> with the Heritage Foundation for the Preservation
> of Jewish Cemeteries. I think Melita Fuhrman
> Vickter tried to raise funds for an initial
> survey several years ago, but couldn't raise the
> targeted amount.

> With a person like Dr. Bursuk willing to oversee
> the work, we have a great opportunity. As Mimi
> suggests, an organization can be established to
> oversee this cooperative effort. A formal
> organization would also have the opportunity to
> write grants to appropriate agencies.
> This list is not the sum total of those
> interested in the preservation of the Jewish
> cemetery in Czernowitz. There are many others
> beyond this list who would have an interest as
> well, starting with the entire membership of the
> Bukowina Jews World Union in Israel and beyond.
> An established organization can reach out to all
> interested parties.
> Raising funds, in my opinion, is not a matter of
> asking for a show of hands and an amount. Not
> all of us will want to publicly reveal a pledge
> to this project; for some, giving anonymously is
> the highest form of philanthropy. There are many
> who will decide upon a donation based on their
> perception of the organization making the
> request. I think that a project that begins with
> small successes can breed further success. I've
> heard a great deal of support for the Bursuk
> plan. Let's give it a chance.
> Bruce Reisch
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