Re: [Cz-L] Correction about the cemetery plots to be cleared first

From: Bruce Reisch <>
Date: Sat, 09 May 2009 09:39:49 -0400
Reply-to: Bruce Reisch <>


I have a suggestion regarding terminology. Let's refer to the
current divisions in the cemetery as "Areas" and the old divisions as
"Parcels". This would be consistent with the terminology already on
Ehpes at:

All the data from JGS Ottawa, including data already uploaded to the
JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry, follows this convention.
The old records clearly call each section of the cemetery a Parcel.
The JGS Ottawa data was divided into what they called Areas. Each
individual grave site was called a plot in the old system. If we
standardize our terminology now, there will be no confusion going


At 7:56 -0400 5/9/09, Miriam Taylor wrote:
>Yesterday, in my message about the Dr. Bursuk plan, pilot project,
>I made a mistake; I wrote the wrong plots or parcel numbers.
>The correct plots are: #52 - #56, #57 - #61, #74 - #78 and #79 - #83.
>Altogether 20 plots/parcels. At the eastern side of these plots and along
>the fence of the cemetery, there are two more rows of graves, these may be
>included in the work done and they may not. Dependent on whether these rows
>are included or not, the size of the total area to be cleared, according to
>my calculation is either 1.165 hectares or 1.215 hectares.
>If they only manage to clear plots #52 - #61 and #74 - #78 they will have
>cleared 0,86 to 0.90 hectares.
>Because the cemetery is of an irregular shape, it is not easy to calculate
>it's total size, but by my estimate it is about 13 hectares.

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