Dear Hardy and Mimi,
If your message referred to my last posting, suggesting that efforts to aid=
living people must come before looking after graveyards - then rest assure =
that I never fooled myself there are some hidden funds waiting for a worthy =
cause to be spent on. On the contrary: I think that a large group like the C=
z-list, when it will put their minds to it, can easily r a i s e funds, do=
nations and volunteers for such a cause.
The same goes for Mimi's suggestion: I have not the means or the contacts n=
eeded to make a data-base of all needy Czernowitzers all over the world. How=
ever the group can easily contribute by sending names and addresses of needy=
people they know (or know about) to form such data-base. The only problem t=
here will be how to keep it in the Jewish traditional way of "Matan Ba'Sette=
As you surely know, the WOBJ in Israel sends, for the last 50 years, money =
to a relatively large group of old, sick and poor Czernowitzers. Their list =
could be the start of a much wider data-base.
Nathan Gross
> To:
> Subject: [Cz-L] Money
> Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 17:03:51 +0300
> Dear All,
> By reading our mails about non profit organization we want to establish ,=
> people
> get the idea that we own vasts sums of money
> and our only problem it the tax exemption.
> I wish it was so but it isn't.
> So there is no wonder we get mails of charitable people who want to
> divert
> part of our vast funds to other worthy goals.
> To all these I want to state : There is no money in our kitty.
> When there will be we will think how best to use it.
> But not yet.
> Hardy
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