Thanks for the scholarly explanation of "cemetery". However, regarding your
statement that "No Jew was ever buried in a churchyard", I personally
visited Baruch Spinoza's grave in the churchyard of the Nieuwe Kerk in The
Hague, Netherlands.
Fred Schneider
----- Original Message -----
To: "CZERNOWITZ-L" <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2009 2:42 AM
Subject: [Cz-L] About cemeteries
> Cemetery.
> As almost all recent mails deal with the cemetery it is
> essential we know more about the origin of the word.
> Cemetery stems from the Greek word Koimeterion
> meaning " sleeping place ".
> Koma is Greek for sleep.
> From this comes Rumanian cimitir , Polish cmentarz ,
> and Ukrainean Zwintar.
> So the Jewish cemetery in Ukrainean is Jidovsky Zwintar.
> But in Galicia and Bukowina they call a Jewish cemetery
> the Kirkut. Special name - only in Western Ukraina.
> Kirkut comes from the German Kirchhof.
> Kirchhof means church yard where the Christians of old
> time used to bury their dead .
> No Jew was ever buried in a church yard !
> But Kirkut it is.
> From here the famous poem :
> " To the Kirkut sneak two lonely vandals,
> One of them is wearing sandals,
> The night is young , the graves are old,
> They're looking for the Jewish gold ."
> Hardy
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