RE: [Cz-L] Star of David as architectural decoration in Czernowitz and vicinity

From: Nathan Gross <>
Date: Sat, 16 May 2009 18:52:03 +0000
To: Miryam Taylor <>,
Reply-to: Nathan Gross <>

Dear all,
As an architect I have explored the use of the star of David in architectur=
e many years ago. I have no specific knowledge about the examples in the Buk=
owina Mimi is writing about, but there is a recent publication in Hebrew tha=
t might shed some light on the issue: "The Star of David: History of a Symbo=
l - Gershom G. Scholem". The same was published in the German language "Juda=
ica I, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt 1963" (as part of Scholem's German anthology) and=
 in English in 1949 (I don't have the exact name of the book). Gershom G. Sc=
holem was honored to write the value "Star of David" in the "Encyclopedia Ju=
daica", Jerusalem & New York 1972, vol. XI.
I'd be glad if someone would pursue these resources and find out the answer=
Shavuah Tov!

Nathan Gross - Architect & Town Planner

> Date: Sat, 16 May 2009 09:45:15 -0400
> Subject: [Cz-L] Star of David as architectural decoration in Czernowitz a=
nd vicinity
> From:
> To:
> On my recent visit to Czernowitz, I again noticed that the star of David,
> "Magen David" is much used as a design element on the "Residenz", the for=
> residence of the Metropolit of the orthodox church and currently part of =
> university of Chernivtsi. Similarly, I noticed in Sadagura, that the star=
> David was used as decoration on some houses.
> Beside being a Jewish symbol, the six pointed star, is a frequently used
> design element in Moslem art and architecture.
> Does anyone know why it is used on the "Residenz"?
> Did the architect who designed the buildings, use this decoration on othe=
> buildings he designed? Is the star of David a common ornamental element i=
> the Greek or Russian Orthodox church? Is a house in Sadagura which is
> decorated with stars of David, likely to be a former Jewish owned house?
> I remember reading in one of the books about Czernowitz, that the street
> plan for the city was laid out jointly by the then Metropolit and the chi=
> rabbi of the time. Does anyone know the date of this city-plan and the na=
> of the chief rabbi and Metropolitan of the time?
> Might these two religious leaders have been such good friends, that the s=
> of David was used as an ornamental design on the "Residenz"?
> Mimi
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