[Cz-L] "Journey into Jewish Heritage"

From: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
Date: Mon, 01 Jun 2009 17:50:29 -0400
To: CZERNOWITZ-L <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>

Dear Czernowitzers,

You may remember that I previously wrote you about the study group
organized by the organization "journey into Jewish Heritage", which will go
to Chernivtsi, late this summer to study the Jewish cemetery and the old
buildings in he city which served for Jewish religious and cultural

I have had a phone call and subsequent Email from the organizer
of the study group, Daphna Yisrael, in which she asked for help in
acquainting the students who will participate in the study group with
Czernowitzers currently residing in Israel, so that the students may get
first hand information about the Jewish heritage of Czernowitz.
They are planning a meeting to which they invite all Czernowitzers, to come
and talk about their memories of Czernowitz.

Below a copy of the Email from Ms. Daphna Yisrael:

> Following our conversation, here are the details of the meeting:
> Our seminar will take place next week, June 9th. The meeting with former-
> Czernowitzes is scheduled for 10:30, in Zalman Sahazar center, Talpiot,
> Jerusalem.
> We would love to meet former- Czernowitzes who can tell our students about
> life in Czernowitz (Of course, also people from the area- Sadagura, Wiznitz,
> Boyan etc. are very welcome). It will be a great contribution to our
> students' knowledge.
> People who would like to participate can contact me through:
> email: <daphyy_at_hotmail.com>
> or phone: 0523-830009
> P.S - I forgot to mention that we can and will arrange transportation
>from Haifa and Tel Aviv, for those who need it.

Please, all who can possibly participate in this meeting, do either send
Email or phone Daphna Yisrael and go to the meeting on June 9th.
This is going to be a serious study of Jewish Czernowitz, to be continued as
long as needed with professional architects, historians, art historians,
etc. participating.

Toda raba,

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