Regarding the Temple it should not mater that thereare not enough Jews to be served by it.
A token to the Jews who once inhabited Czernowitz who were creative in building a beautifull
city with all the acoutrements of a metropolis with culture and commerce allbeit a miniature compared to
the large cities. There was a very good reason for Czernowitz to be thought of la Petit Vienne
I think the Temple should be restored to its former glory. I was a most beautifull architecturally designed
building. Its position uniquely visible.
The city should consider that in modern days most cities architecture look like ice cube boxes the samenes to obvious. A restored Temple could add to the prestige of the city and the Ukraine that they care and that it will
be a drawing card for tourism. Spain and Portugal who got rid of the Jews a few hundert years ago are feverishly restoring the old Jewish quarters. Maybe some bright convincing spark may stir the city to think a memorial to its defunct citizen may be of mutual benefit.
Consider the restoration of the cemetery it was tried and now the rewarding restoration.
Of course I would not hold my breath old hatreds die hard but one could hope.
Fred Weisinger
----- Forwarded Message ----
Sent: Mon, 22 March, 2010 3:49:18 PM
Subject: [Cz-L] The fate of the Tempel .
The Tempel, as it was.
And today.
And today.
You mustn't be religious to feel hurt.
Not even Jewish .
Are they aware of the jewish resent ? Are they aware of the indignity inflicted ?
Well, if they aren't they must be made.
This has nothing to to with religion. More with integrity.
It just isnt right to sell ice cream and clothes there.
lt hurts our feelings as Jews - religious or not.
If they do not understand this - it is hard to explain.
Ukraina today is a free ,democratic country .
They have a free press and media . There is a Jewish Vaad in Kiev.
We are 20 years after Soviet rule.
Must this be so ?
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