Re: [Cz-L] The fate of the Tempel .

Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 11:25:10 +0300
To: Bernard Cedar <>, CZERNOWITZ-L <>

To all who prefer the present use of the Temple instead of an empty one:
  You say it will lead to vandalism ?
   Vandalism you have now , of the worst kind.
    Cant get any worse .
   "A use encourages improvement " you say:
    Improvement in what sense ? In sales techniques ?

  When I think of the fate of the Temple, the action divides in two:
   1. Get the present tenants out .
   2. What to do later.

     Point one is feasable and within reach.
      Point two will have to wait for the future , depending on
    outcome of point one.
      We will certainly not play first fiddle in this operation.
     If we are accepted in the orchestre , at all.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bernard Cedar" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:03 PM
Subject: RE: [Cz-L] The fate of the Tempel .

> I imposing myself into this discussion of the future of the Temple in
> order=
> to state my views=2C particularly about Hardy's "leave it alone"
> attitude.=
> An empty building leads to its vandalism and deterioration. A use
> encoura=
> ges maintenance and possible improvement. I agree that future use as a
> syna=
> gogue is remote=2C but use for some community purpose=2C possibly
> multi-pur=
> pose=2C multi-ethnic=2C leaving some flavor of its original use=2C might
> be=
> a reasonable solution.
> Bernard Cedar
> BANILOWER Czernowitz Nadwerna

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