RE: [Cz-L] Benno Horn

From: Edgar Hauster <>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 07:49:39 +0200
To: Czernowitz Discussion Group <>
Reply-to: Edgar Hauster <>

Dear all...

Looking for details for Benno Horn, we'found the following post in our 2005 group archives, not having any further details for Peggy K.:


Hello everyone,

I am a new member to this group, Peggy (40 yrs old) second generation
living in Melbourne Australia.

I am the daughter of Marcel and Selma Krauthammer (76 years old each)
now living in Melbourne Australia. My mother was nee Horn, daughter of
Anna Horn ( nee Speiler dec). My parents lived in Czernowitz during WW2
and my mother's family taken to Trisnesti camp for three years. She and
her sister (Felicia) and mother (Anna Horn nee Speiler) and father
(Benno Horn) were taken to camp. Sadly her father Benno did not survive
the camp but she, her sister and mother were able to get a permit to
come to Australia after the camp was liberated by the Russians (she
walked for three weeks with a group back to Cznerowitz). My father's
family were fortunate in not being taken to camp. My father's parents
were Netti and Froim Krauthammer and had two brothers (Arthur dec
Israel) and Dago (Florida) and a sister (Bertha dec Melbourne Aus). He
came to Australia via Israel. Froim (dad's father) had a sweets factory
(chocolates), and mother's family had a haberdashery shop in Czernowitz
before the war.

I have many stories and happy to have found this group. If anyone knows
either of my parents families or would like to correspond generally,
please contact me :-)

Peggy K



Edgar Hauster
Veerdam 5
6663 KW Lent
Phone: +31 (24) 322 21 57
iPhone: +49 (172) 979 52 95

> Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Benno Horn
> From:
> Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 21:13:27 -0400
> To:
> Dear Mr Hauster.
> I'm completely new to this group, my name is Michael Surkis we lived in Jucika Veke, my Grand Parents come from a small Village called Mihova and the Mige near Lucavetz. Sorry unfortunately I don't know anybody by the name Benno Horn, there must have been a mixup of names.
> I could answer about almost anybody in Jucika Veke in spite that I was only 12 years old when we were driven out from home.
> Best wishes.
> ( Mechel) Michael Surkis
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