My parents and grand parents who lived in cernowitz spoke Austrian german. Some words are tippical Austrian and not german. (miest kuebel in Austrian german and abfahl eimer in german . (basket bin).
Noemi eshet-rosenzweig
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Czernowitz Genealogy and History digest
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2010 7:20 AM
To: czernowitz-l digest recipients
Subject: czernowitz-l digest: April 11, 2010
CZERNOWITZ-L Digest for Sunday, April 11, 2010.
1. [Cz-L] Benno Horn
2. [Cz-L] German dialect?
3. RE: [Cz-L] Benno Horn
4. Re: [Cz-L] Fw: trip to Czernowitz
Subject: [Cz-L] German dialect?
From: "Shula Klinger" <>
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 12:42:24 -0700
X-Message-Number: 2
Dear all,
This is my first posting to the list. I'm so glad to have found it!
I have a question about dialects. I believe that my family - the
Pickers - spoke Yiddish as their first language but understand that they
spoke German as well. However, I have been told that it was a particular
dialect rather than what we now think of as mainstream German. Does
anyone on the list know what this dialect might have been, and if it
even had a name? I would love to know.
Kind regards to you all,
Shula Klinger
Vancouver, Canada
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