RE: [Cz-L] Popovici at the Jewish Museum

From: cornel fleming <>
Date: Thu, 06 May 2010 16:24:43 +0100
Reply-to: cornel fleming <>

Hi all! The Czernivtsi postwar administration was until recently anti
anything to do with Romania. They were communist and trying to legitimise
the removal of the capital of the Bukowina from the rest and attaching it to
Ukraine. In the Town Hall until very recently there were pictures of all the
mayors with the notable exception of Traian Popovici. I think the idea that
all the permits were sold is a classical Soviet-era smear and should be
treated as such. Cornel

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of HARDY BREIER
Sent: 06 May 2010 06:51
Subject: [Cz-L] Popovici at the Jewish Museum

>From "Ghosts of Home " - the Popovici issue:
Quote:( p.314)
"Then we have Traian Popovici, in whom you are all so interested," Natalya
continued. "What are we supposed to do with him? Was he a Wallenberg or
a Schindler? I think he sold the permits to stay in the city for a lot of
I suspect he was a pragmatist, not a humanitarian. And that brings us to.
the third problem, Jewish collaboration and the Jewish councils. Should we
represent them? How?"
       We shared with Oleg and Natalya some of the evidence we had, and
they showed us theirs_primarily the introduction written by Yevgenya Finkel
to Juden aus Czernowitz, the five-volume collection of
testimonies she edited, in which she claims that all authorizations to
remain in the city in 1941 were sold.

 Clearly, we had different interpretations of limited sources. It was
not likely we would come to an agreement on the character of
Traian Popovici.

Natalya was cynical. Oral sources, memoirs - she did not give them much
 credit, and yet she chose to believe Finkel's account."
   I say:
  Popovici was awarded the "Righteous among Nations "title by Ya-Vashem.
   If this in not trustworthy then all the titles thus awarded are
   Including the 2200 titles awarded to Ukraineans .
  As you can see Popovici's picture appears in the Museum
    captioned :" Mayor of Czernowitz" .
    Is there also an explanation why his picture is shown?
     Interesting to find out.

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