I think that die Boerse in Postgasse was not Wall Street, but rather a
Commodity Exchange
. Czernowitz and its Jews were the traders of wood, livestock and other
products for export. They knew languages and had connections.
The people in the streets were not ;privateers -leidig-gehers, they were
rather people who made Luft-Geschaeften, that is trading outside the
Exchange, and many were dealing in foreign currencies. My family had a
store in Postgasse 7 just opposite the Main Post Office and some of these
traders of foreign exchange came in winter to warm up a bit and often also
to hide foreign exchange when there was a rumor of a razzia. I remember two
brothers Ostfeld, who were dealing in foreign currency at the Boerse, that
is on the street outside it, and they were befriended with the family and
often came into the store for above reasons.
Paul/Pessach Heger
2010/6/6 HARDY BREIER <HARDY3_at_bezeqint.net>
> http://pics.livejournal.com/stepan53/pic/002g3czx
> Old Postgasse with the Stock Exchange.
> Czernowitzer Wall street.
> The street is full of Privatiers.
> In Yiddish the word was Leidiggeiers.
> That is idle goers. Idlers.
> Ledig in German is single.
> In Yiddish it changed to leidig -empty.
> Relates to the life of the single person.
> Hardy
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